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Please note all new clients will be asked to pay in full for their initial treatment at the point of booking.

Daytime appointments ONLY. Male clients must be referred from an existing client.

Menopause Support

Reflexology and Massage during perimenopause and menopause allows you to deeply relax your body and mind, giving you the space and time to focus solely on 'YOU' where you can disconnect from the daily stressors of life and gain some relief from common symptoms too.


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Want an easy read to introduce yourself to what perimenopause and menopause is all about? Download my support eBook today!

Perimenopause & Menopause

Perimenopause and Menopause is a natural process and a journey that women will come through. The perimenopause is the transitional phase leading to the menopause, it can be a turbulent time with fiercely fluctuating hormones and is the phase that can be incredibly unsettling for women. On average this phase can begin between the ages of 40-50. The menopause is when you haven't had a period for twelve consecutive months and in the UK the average age for this to occur is 51. Whilst perimenopause and menopause can be a pretty tough time for many women there are things that we can do that may help.

What is Reflexology for Menopause?

During the menopause journey oestrogen and progesterone (our calming hormones) help protect us from cortisol (a stress hormone) so as O&P come crashing down in menopause, the effects of cortisol are felt more. Menopause can often happen in conjunction with children leaving home, a negative perception of ageing and possible worries of ageing parents. So no wonder we need to prioritise our emotional wellbeing at this time too. Choosing reflexology can be a wonderful way to support and smooth this journey, whilst also easing some of the common symptoms too! Reflexology for menopause may help you to:

  • feel calmer
  • feel more relaxed
  • sleep better
  • improve your mood
  • improve your general wellbeing

What happens during a Menopause Reflexology treatment?

As a specially trained reflexologist for menopause support I work in a complementary way alongside your GP. We will begin your first session by completing a detailed medical history and lifestyle consultation which will ensure that it is safe to proceed with your reflexology treatments and allow me to tailor your treatment to your specific needs. This will take 30 minutes and is a complimentary service.

Every woman's menopausal journey is unique and therefore the focus of each treatment will depend on the symptoms and struggles being experienced. Ideally your menopause support reflexology will commence with weekly treatments for 6 weeks to help kickstart the body into rebalancing after which we will then gradually decrease the frequency of the treatments to work towards a maintenance plan to continually support you.

As reflexology is a holistic therapy you will also be offered support with potential lifestyle changes you can make to ease and smooth your journey should you wish to receive this.

At each session you will be offered a cup of soothing menopause herbal tea and we will begin with a discussion focussed on your physical and emotional wellbeing and implemented lifestyle tweaks. We will then begin by making you comfortable on my heated couch. Your treatment will commence with a relaxing foot massage where I will use a locally made natural foot oil on your feet produced by Aroma Studio, following this I will begin to gently apply pressure to the specific reflex points all over the foot and you will begin to feel your stress and anxieties float away. Each session will be tailored to address your current experiences.

Many of my clients like to be quiet and peaceful during their treatment and some like to talk, I will always be guided by you, it is your session and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and get the most from it. It is also common for clients to fall asleep; this is completely normal and a fantastic way for any client to gain some much needed time out. You will be offered a glass of filtered water, and you will have time to ask any questions about your session. Reflexology is a truly relaxing and supportive treatment and many of my clients leave my treatment room feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Menopause support reflexology is a wonderful complementary treatment for women and is not a substitute for medical and obstetric care. If you are concerned about your health, please always consult your GP.

Menomorphosis Programme - What is it?

This programme has been designed to give you a head start into managing your menopausal journey naturally. Included in the package is:

  • 6 x 75 minute Foot Reflexology sessions
  • Menopause support booklet
  • Menopause Journal
  • Balance Pulse Point Oil
  • Tropic Skincare Suggestions tailored to your skin needs
  • Text message support from me, your Reflexologist along the way

As a specially trained reflexologist for menopause support I work in a complementary way alongside your GP. We will begin your first session by completing a detailed medical history and lifestyle consultation which will ensure that it is safe to proceed with your reflexology treatments and allow me to tailor your treatment to your specific needs. This will take 30 minutes and is a complimentary service.

Every woman's menopausal journey is unique and therefore the focus of each treatment will depend on the symptoms and struggles being experienced. Ideally your menopause support reflexology will commence with weekly treatments for 6 weeks to help kickstart the body into rebalancing after which we will then gradually decrease the frequency of the treatments to work towards a maintenance plan to continually support you.

As reflexology is a holistic therapy you will also be offered support with potential lifestyle changes you can make to ease and smooth your journey should you wish to receive this.

At each session you will be offered a cup of soothing menopause herbal tea and we will begin with a discussion focussed on your physical and emotional wellbeing and implemented lifestyle tweaks. We will then begin by making you comfortable on my heated couch. Your treatment will commence with a relaxing foot massage where I will use a locally made natural foot oil on your feet produced by Aroma Studio, following this I will begin to gently apply pressure to the specific reflex points all over the foot and you will begin to feel your stress and anxieties float away. Each session will be tailored to address your current experiences.

Many of my clients like to be quiet and peaceful during their treatment and some like to talk, I will always be guided by you, it is your session and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and get the most from it. It is also common for clients to fall asleep; this is completely normal and a fantastic way for any client to gain some much needed time out. You will be offered a glass of filtered water at the ned of your treatment, and you will have time to ask any questions about your session. Reflexology is a truly relaxing and supportive treatment and many of my clients leave my treatment room feeling refreshed and relaxed.

What is Massage for Menopause?

During the menopause journey oestrogen and progesterone (our calming hormones) help protect us from cortisol (a stress hormone) so as O&P come crashing down in menopause, the effects of cortisol are felt more. Menopause can often happen in conjunction with children leaving home, a negative perception of ageing and possible worries of ageing parents. So no wonder we need to prioritise our emotional wellbeing at this time too. Massage for Menopause includes swedish and oncology massage techniques, aromatherapy & the application of acupressure to target specific concerns. It has been specially developed to work alongside the Nervous and Endocrine System within the body to encourage relief from pesky menopause symptoms and encourage deep rest and relaxation. Choosing massage can be a wonderful way to support and smooth this journey, whilst also easing some of the common symptoms too!

Massage for menopause may help you:

  • feel calmer
  • feel more relaxed
  • feel less achey and experience lowered pain
  • sleep better
  • feel more uplifted
  • feel more in control of symptoms
  • feel a greater sense of general wellbeing

What happens during a Massage for Menopause treatment?

As a specially trained masseuse for menopause support I work in a complementary way alongside your GP. We will begin your first session by completing a detailed medical history and lifestyle consultation which will ensure that it is safe to proceed with your massage treatments and allow me to tailor your treatment to your specific needs. This will take a maximum of 30 minutes and is a complimentary service.

Every woman's menopausal journey is unique and therefore the focus of each treatment will depend on the symptoms and struggles being experienced. At your first massage for menopause session we will discuss your needs and the frequency of sessions needed. Ideally we will work towards agreeing a maintenance plan to continually support you on your journey.

As massage is a holistic therapy you will also be offered support with potential lifestyle changes you can make to ease and smooth your journey should you wish to receive this. At the end of your first session you will be given a postcard detailing the acupressure points used within the massage. I will then explain each one and show you how to complete these yourself at home in between treatments. If you choose to have regular sessions we will always begin by discussing your physical and emotional wellbeing and implemented lifestyle tweaks.

Many of my clients like to be quiet and peaceful during their treatment and some like to talk, I will always be guided by you, it is your session and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and get the most from it. It is also common for clients to fall asleep; this is completely normal and a fantastic way for any client to gain some much needed time out. You will be offered a glass of filtered water, and you will have time to ask any questions about your session at the end. Massage is a relaxing and supportive treatment and many of my clients leave my treatment room feeling refreshed and deeply relaxed.

Massage for Menopause is a wonderful complementary treatment for women and is not a substitute for medical and obstetric care. If you are concerned about your health, please always consult your GP.

Aftercare Advice for Reflexology & Massage

Afterwards, it is likely that you will feel quite relaxed and perhaps even sleepy, so please make sure to give yourself plenty of time to re-adjust. Please try your best to follow the aftercare advice to maximise the effects of your treatment:

  • rest for at least an hour after treatment
  • drink plenty of water or herbal teas to keep the body fully hydrated and functions working to their full potential
  • avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol for at least 24 hours as these act as a stimulant to the body and do not promote relaxation
  • eat a light and healthy diet to allow your body to put its energy into wellbeing

What my clients say...

Diet & Nutrition

The general reccomendations are to try to maintain a healthy weight, look after your cardiac and bone health, reduce inflammation and reduce carbohydrates. It is a good idea to keep a food diary for a couple of weeks to assess your diet.

The Five Pillars for Menopause Health...

The lifestyle choices made in our lives have a huge impact on the way women experience menopause. Here are some areas of your lifestyle you may want to consider reviewing if you are really suffering with severe symptoms.

Exercise & Staying Healthy

Your body deserves it after all! Keep exercise varied but focus on maintaining strength, flexibility and balance. What exercise can you incorporate that you enjoy?

Managing Stress & Relaxation

The drop in our calming hormones (oestrogen & progesterone) make it more difficult for our bodies to deal with the stress hormone cortisol and therefore with overall stress! How can you reduce the stress in your life? Can you add in a relaxing activity at least once a month?

Joy & Purpose

Menopause can be a new beginning, an opportunity for transformation and growth. What does your ideal lifestyle look like? What can you do to make it happen?

Good Quality Sleep

A lack of good quality sleep can affect our mental health, cardiac health, cognitive function and more! What do you do to set yourself up for a good nights sleep?

Irregular periods


Weight gain

Headaches & migraines

Achy muscles


Dry skin/changing skin

Mood swings/irritability

Hot flushes/Night sweats


Insomnia & sleep disorders

Hay fever & other allergies


Brain fog

In the UK it is estimated that 80% of women do experience some symptoms with the most common being hot flushes and night sweats. These above are just some of the symptoms that could be experienced. If you are worried or concerned then please contact your GP for further guidance. Reflexology is a wonderful way to support your journey and ease some of the common symptoms and works in harmony alongside conventional medicine. I can't wait to support you!

Get in Touch

Contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the therapies I offer, or to ask about booking any sessions. Alternatively, you can text, whatsapp or call me on 07917841986.